About Tauriko Tots
Childcare Centre in Tauranga

Tauriko Tots is an independently owned childcare centre in the heart of the Tauriko Industrial area.

The centre has risen out of our desire to offer exceptional childcare, education and support to our local businesses, residents and their families by having a place where children can be close to their parents. We will be striving for a hub where children will learn through exploration, wonder, discovery and creativity all delivered with a dose of aroha.

You will experience a relaxed and friendly learning environment where children and families/whānau can bring their own personalities, abilities and skills to share in an unhurried and caring environment. 

Our vision is to prepare all children for their transition to school, teaching them to feel confident whilst forming positive relationships and gaining independence and resilience.  Encouraging them to self-manage their belongings and personal needs will develop confident and competent learners in all areas of their learning and interests.

Tauriko Tots Childcare Centre - Tauriko, Tauranga


About Tauriko Tots Childcare Cente - Tauriko, Tauranga

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